
The Goals are up and the Game is on

Earlier this year, an HBM supporter that had the chance to visit Jeremie and see first hand this ministry, saw the importance of sports in the culture of Haiti. Mark and Lacey, being avid basketball players, spent countless hours during the week playing with the locals and developing a respect in the community that could only be attributed by their ability to play basketball. It was always a dream of Mark and Lacey to have a basketball court on the grounds of the HBM compound. This wouldn't by any means take the place of playing basketball in the city, but it would create an avenue for them to provide a safe evironment to hold sporting and outreach events. This particular supporter of HBM took it upon himself to raise the $8,000 it would take to build this court on the grounds of the HBM base in Jeremie. We're happy to announce that the court is complete, the goals are up, and the only left to do is paint the lines. This is a dream that God saw to give over to HBM and its sports ministry, a ministry that is so vital in reaching the youth of Jeremie. We're looking forward to the countless pick-up games and the rounds of H.O.R.S.E. that will be played with the people of Jeremie and the many mission teams that will visit Haiti Bible Mission in the coming years.