
Help Us Continue To Live The Difference

God continues to do some amazing things around us as we minister to the people of western Haiti. Would you take a moment and read this quick update of our recent time in Jeremie. 

Recently our city church plant changed venues and started meeting in a space in the poorest part of Jeremie.  A place we call "the point." Since moving to this location we've seen 3 people come to know Christ.  We continue to see over 100 people attend these worship gatherings each Sunday.  We're amazed to see how God works when we step out on faith and this new city church is no exception. 

One way we get a chance to interact with people on a daily basis is our tarp ministry. Most of the houses people live in are crude shelters and leak a great deal when it rains. Through the donations of various churches we've been able to go around and "tarp" the roofs of these homes. This gives us an opportunity to share the Gospel and why we do what we do and a few people have responded by started to attend our city church plant. Most of which are unchurched and otherwise part of the rough crowd in town. 

Our great friend Madam Joel in Chambellan recently felt God's calling to start an orphanage. We at HBM couldn't be more excited for the opportunity to partner with Madam Joel and couldn't think of a better person to do it with. Look for future updates about how you can be involved with this exciting new ministry. 

One way that HBM is partners with the municipality of Jeremie is through the local city hospital. Over the years our relationship with the director has flourished and because the need is great for this hospital and the resources are few, we thought it best to come along side and help see the health needs of people met. Through your gifts we have been able to fill prescriptions for people who otherwise wouldn't have received the medication they need. We've been able to help through other projects such as cleaning, landscaping and providing food and water for patients in need. 

All that said, none of the above can happen without the support of you, our generous donors. We're grateful that we can live the difference each day in Jeremie and want to continue to work where God has called us.  One way you can help is by donating to HBM. We're in a season of low giving and every bit helps to continue our work here in Haiti. You can donate to HBM by clicking the "Donate" button below or by sending a check to:

Haiti Bible Mission
c/o New Beginning Resources, Inc.
PO Box 509
Porter, TX 77465