
July 2019 Update


   As many of you know, there has been civil unrest in Haiti. The prices of food continue to increase, and many are going hungry due to food prices beyond what families can afford. Here at HBM we are doing our very best to provide for the need. We are continuing to partner with Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) which allows us to provide Manna Packs (food distribution) for many in the Jeremie area. As we strive to meet the physical needs of people, we are continuing to let God use us to meet the Spiritual need, as well. Please continue to pray for the unrest in Haiti. Pray for the people of Jeremie as they suffer that God would comfort them. Pray that God would reveal himself to those who don’t know Him. 
   Recently, Haiti has switched from a level 4 travel warning to a level 3! This is so exciting for HBM, but also the country of Haiti. A lot of organizations and humanitarian aid pulled out due to the level 4; however, due to the level 3 we are hopeful that many will return. Though tensions are still uneasy at times, we are praying for God to give peace to a restless country. Only God has the power to bring peace to this broken world.


The Emerging Leaders
   The past few months have been months of growth for HBM. God has been growing so many of the Haitian staff spiritually! He’s been doing this by reminding all of us at HBM that everything needs to be centered around Him. This has always been the goal at HBM but is serving as a wonderful reminder. The past month we have taken the time to go back to the “basics.” We have had teams come spend time with our pastors teaching them, teams have come and lead discipleship seminars, and we have had mini conferences encouraging and challenging our staff spiritually. This past week our staff took a break from work in order to spend time with God, in the word, and in prayer together. It was a fruitful week and one with a lasting impact. Please continue to pray that God would grow us spiritually and for all the staff to draw near to God. 

   The biggest update and praise is that over the past few months, 39 people have come to Christ! That is 39 people who are now going to spend eternity in heaven, but also help change the spiritual landscape of Haiti! We are now at the process of making sure that each of them are being discipled and poured into. Thanks be to God! These 39 people have come to know God in so many different ways, but we want to thank all the teams that have faithfully come to serve the past few months because you helped give local pastors and believers the platform to share the gospel. We also want to thank those Haitians who have taken the gospel into Jeremie and speak in boldness. Praise God that the Haitians are leading the change here in Jeremie! Most of all we want to praise our heavenly Father because he has been working in Haiti since the beginning. We are thankful to be able to join God in all he is doing and are thankful that you help make that possible with your generous giving. Thank you for partnering with us to bring lasting change to Jeremie in Jesus’ name. 

An Important Message from our CEO

I wanted to update our HBM family with some things that have happened and some challenges we are facing this month. Two weeks ago our compound got struck by lightning and burned up our inverter and charge controller. We had to get one asap and it's being shipped over this week. Since the inverter burned up, we have had to run the generator 24/7 for power. The generator was on it's last leg before this happened and now our generator has kicked the bucket as well. We have purchased a much bigger one that will help us operate more efficiently moving forward. We were able to get the generator on credit as we don't have the funds yet to purchase it. The owner gave us 2 weeks which we are very thankful for the grace to allow us to get power back up and running at HBM.

Many of you may have seen on social media a few weeks ago, the kids who were sent by Medevac to Port Au Prince to have surgery. The operations were successful and we are so thankful for God allowing us to be His hands and feet to His children! We always say yes to helping save kids lives, no matter the cost. But there is a cost to flying them to Port for surgery.

God is doing great things in Haiti and we are so excited for what he has in store. We also know that life is full of challenges that make us realize we need God and others to help us accomplish his plan. We would love to have you come along side us in prayer and support to help us with these needs.
Thank you all for helping us Live The Difference!

Generator - $12,500
Inverter / charge controller - $2,400
MAF Medical Evacuation Flight for kids - $760